Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston Mararthon Bombing ( A Link to 2nd Amendment )

This week has been another week of sorrow's blossoms in the heart. The Boston Marathon bombing has shaken the American public with hurt and it has strengthen our sight of caring. I have no poem called to birth in me about the Boston event, however I had this revelation of a link with the 2nd Amendment
debate issue. It was when watching the coordinated manhunt: the SWAT teams,
The local law enforcement and the local military diligent search and
eventual capture of the younger brother. The highly ignored first two phrases
of the 2nd Amendment ( A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the
 security of a free State, ). That was the powerful images we witnessed
with law enforcement operating as a well regulated militia hunting down
and apprehending an individuals committing and threatening harm
in one of our cities and their communities. These are the images of common
sense control with the home owner contacting law enforcement of their
discovery in their backyard. Not the possibility of homeowners armed
to the maximum firepower freely roaming the streets in vengeful anger
to hunt down the perpetrators of the bombing. Can you imagine
if someone was mistakenly thought to be one of the brothers in
the world of the present mindset of radical gun supporters view;
a gun in every one will keep you safe. A well regulated militia
of our courageous and honored law enforcement. Thank You All.
Now we need some politicians courageous enough to do the right
thing so law enforcement does not encounter some angry person
with assault weapons and chest of ammo unleashing harm.

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