Monday, August 26, 2013


As a native Washingtonian I cannot clearly remember if at the age of seven
whether my mom took me to the 1963 March. However in honor of my Mom,
My Grandparents and my Uncle George and the great importance of todays
political climate it was more than essential that I be in attendance for this March.
I can clearly remember one of the very few times of seeing my Mom openly cry
was the evening of Martin Luther King Jr’s assignation in 1968.
((( Go See Lee Daniels’ THE BUTLER – Get A Reminder of Why )))

It is disheartening to me that I heard from people for not wanting to attend was
their non-support of Rev. Al Sharpton and even more disheartening is peoples
unawareness or non-concern of political measures being enacted at the state level
to block any federal legislation passed or purposed by President Obama. It is clearly
evident in Republican controlled southern states including Ohio and Pennsylvania.

All of that aside with a great honor burning in my heart I arrived at 20th and Constitution Ave.

The first item of significance was a group of Navy men in yellow t-shirts marching, the many

Unions and NAACP groups from other states moving to the entrance. Tears flooded my heart
witnessing and participating the honor of a peaceful assembly of concerned citizens in homage
of all those who made it possible 50 years ago. In the early morning the most challenging thing
was the horde of mosquitoes from the Tidal basin feeding on us and no one was complaining.
As the morning move on with the two minute speeches and some of them arousing the whole
crowd. There where two people I surly thought would have more then two minutes were:
Michael Eric Dyson and Rev. Jesse Jackson. There was no exception as speakers were cutoff
with music when they went over you know my brothers definitely went over. So I wondered
why Rev. Jackson did not have more then two minutes being that he was with King on the
fatal day of his assassination. Never the mind my greater joys were seeing the youth organized
and chanting their concerns. The parents I spoke with who brought their children of all ages
as participates for their later years remembrance. My conversations of politics and sports with
other men since I was wearing my Jim Brown jersey. It was a full day of interaction for me.
Martin Luther King 3rd speech was not the level of his father however it was inspiring. Now,
Rev. Sharpton gave a no holds, gloves off speech that inspired us all. I dare say he may have
emerged as our Civil Rights Leader for today’s issues.

My Prayer is that he and Rev. King 3rd are continually fortified and supported for future
actions to grow this movement.

Voters Rights are the center peace of this movement because our rights to vote unencumbered
by new legislation or instead of new legislation is of vital importance. If we do not participate
On matters of womens rights to choose concerning abortion when she is raped or molested by
a family member or stand your ground law abuses or gun control. We will have dishonored
the men and women of the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement who shed blood and died for our rights