Monday, October 7, 2013


Whether you acknowledge it or not we have front row seats
to what extreme measures , crafty-savy deviousness
those who crave power will design to grab ultimate control of all the purse strings. We are witnessing end game stratagems by the Tea Party and billionaire
conservative tycoons who feel threaten by the culture change due to the election
of an African-Anerican Man as President.

Mischief is well trained.



Has become a disease
Unquarantined ~ Corporatized ~ Fund Riaser-ized
Boiling with the narcissistic high-minded and the gamesmanship of misdirection
And venomous egos like Ted Cruz, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Plain and Michelle Bachman
Sermonizing their self-righteous, self-promoting holiness as the torch bearers
of America’s Founding Fathers.

~ Harmony’s Dreams being suffocated by these weeds ~

And Our Children shall always unknowingly play together, smile and laugh
While Mommy and Daddy search through secret corners of homes for hidden coins
Lost Jobs shed no tears; recite no prayers in our struggle
And still the faithful arise each day ~ Their muscles and bones still weary
Yet their vigilance is renewed and rejuvenated by their ordinary commitments
They do not haggle ~ They dismiss most hassles
So they can step forward each day as light embers
~ For a Child ~ For a Sick Family Member
~ For a Distressed Friend
~ For a Customer ~ For a Stranger

The Politics of Today is No New History
Love and Kindness versus Greed’s deception and self-ambition
~ Veritas ~ Summa Bona
Our Highest Good is the Fairness and Prosperity of All
The Healthy, The Struggling and The ILL
Designed with proactive legislative and corporate measures
Which consecrate our hopes of economic, racial and cultural fairness and justice
~ A Corinthian Love ~ Transforming Fortressed Minds and Hearts of Bigotry and Greed ~
This is the social revolution screaming at the Republican Congress
The Cultural mindset of America changing from the obsession of possessing stuff
To a New Frontier for our electric power grid, railways and roads and textile industries rebirth
~ New Fish to populate the pond of employment
Sadly the monster of technology and corporate luxuries has grown to large, to sophisticated to avoid
Seeds sprouting weeds, Weeds disguised as flowers, and flowers finding ways
 to be hybrids of themselves
~ Loop-Holes ~ Tearing apart the fabric of our society’s basic thread of honesty ~
~ The Multitude of Ways to legally be corrupt ~
I am not surprised by those who made this Frankenstein of profit making
And it is ironic that the god to many people praise is the phrase on the back of our currency
The Mansion of Democracy and Our Earth shows signs of crumbling
While political and corporate aristocrats world wide --- dance in palaces of denial…
And the after meal belching of dollar signs…
Peoples Tears should not be a crime…

By Thomas N. Corbett 3rd
October 6, 2013