Thursday, April 11, 2013

2nd Amendment - Revelations for Common Sense

2ND AMENDMENT (Revelations)
In the intense discussion on common sense gun control legislation the 2nd Amendment
Rights political leadership has heralded strongly that our Founding Fathers gave us the
right to bear arms. What political leader or 2nd Amendment supporter can look the victims
of gun violence or mass shooting incidents in the eyes of their immense grief and state
enough has been done already in our existing legislation?

Revelation: When our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution America was mostly a
a frontier land and farming society; Hunting and herding livestock was the primary choice
of subsistence, while the only firearms available was the flintlock musket and pistol.

Perspective: Surely they did not envision a society of supermarkets and shopping malls,
an electronic world of cell phones and the internet and cable television and news and information
instantly available 24 hours a day.

 2nd Amendment Text
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Revelation: America’s well-regulated militia is our Armed Services and the National Guard.
Who in situations of domestic civil unrest are given orders to maintain marshal law.
The 13 colonies were establishing our rights of preparation against any threatening
countries on America’s freedom. 2nd Amendment radical supporters always leave the first
part of the 2nd Amendment text out of their conversation – ( A well regulated Militia, ) which
is the primary purpose and focus of the statement.

Perspective: Once again I must reiterate they were armed with flintlocks: muskets and pistols.
I do not believe Our Founding Fathers would have been fervent in allowing
any and all citizens to purchase and own military combat style created firearm weapons.
As to the 2nd Amendment leadership and the radical supporters who herald the use
of high capacity automatic weapon for self defense or security from a tyrannical government.
The stark truth is this present’s a situation is a potential for anarchy.

I and many Americans are puzzled and sicken by radical 2nd Amendment supporters that things are just fine,
The leave us alone mentality to anyone threatening their paranoia of a tyrannical government, which is
out to subvert their machismo regarding an obsession with weapons. It goes beyond any rational thinking.
Especially after several mass shootings incidents that have left the families of love ones
with unimaginable fissures grief  on the landscape of their lives.
These radicals roar with a stubborn anger, however if the shoe was on the other foot and they lost
A love one in some random act of madness. Would their mentality, their heartache
Be dismissed from their own personal grief as this is America stuff happens or possibly
Worst would such individuals proclaim that it is their right to take matters into their own hands.
Who would deny rational gun control legislation and enforcement power especially the
banning of high capacity magazines for firearms and the general public sale of assault type firearms.
Shall we reenter the 20’s and 30’s era of mobsters and mafia or a simply return
to the ways of the lawlessness wild west. Where have we gone astray
as a society that we can move on quickly from tragedy that has not personally touched our lives.
My mother always said until you can imagine walking in the shoes of someone struggling
do not dismiss their pain. I feel their tears each and every time there is political ballyhoo
 spewing the fever of blocking any common sense legislation. My final revelation is
Thomas Paine ignited the populace of the 13 colonies with his publication of Common Sense.

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